Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration

Perform a Seamless Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration


An Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration is the process of migrating data from one Microsoft 365 tenant to another. Migrating data can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it’s important to plan and prepare carefully before beginning. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform a seamless Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration. We will also offer some tips on how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.

What is Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration?

Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration is the process of migrating data from one Microsoft 365 tenant to another. This type of migration is typically used when an organization is acquiring another company, or when two companies are merging. It allows an organization to maintain their existing Microsoft 365 accounts and data while transferring the data from the other organization’s tenant. The process involves setting up a connection between the two tenants to transfer the data, and then mapping and migrating the data from the source tenant to the target tenant. The data can include user accounts, email, documents, and other applications. It’s important to note that Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration is different from user to user migration, which is used when a single user is migrating their data from one tenant to another.

Why should we use Microsoft Office 365?

Office 365 is a cloud-based productivity suite that provides a secure and reliable platform to store and collaborate on data. It is one of the most popular productivity suites for businesses and organizations. It provides robust security, data management, collaboration tools, and more. In addition, Office 365 can easily be integrated with other third-party applications and services, allowing for a seamless user experience. It also provides access from any device, allowing users to stay productive regardless of their location. For this reason, many businesses are migrating their data to Office 365 as it offers a comprehensive set of tools to manage and collaborate on data.

You can also check out our guide on Google Workspace to Office 365 migration.

Preparing for your migration

Before performing an Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration, there are several preparations to make. The most important step is to ensure that both tenants are configured correctly. This includes setting up the right accounts and permissions, as well as configuring the designated mailboxes.

Additionally, you should also back up all important files prior to starting so that if anything does go wrong during the transition it can easily be restored without too much effort or time wasted trying to fix it manually afterward.

Steps for Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration

Once the preparations are complete, you can begin the migration process. The migration process of Office 365 from one tenant to another tenant is quite lengthy and requires complete attention of the user. So I suggest you focus and read the steps carefully to avoid any mistakes. The steps involved in Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration are as follows:

  • Some Requirements for Source and Target Tenants.
  • Register the migration application and secret value in the target (destination) tenant.
    • Create or register an application
    • Provide API Permission
    • Add new Client Secret
    • Grant Admin Consent for MSFT
  • Create a new Exchange Online migration endpoint and organization relationship in the Target (destination) Tenant
  • Accept the migration application created in target tenant and configuring the organization relationship in the Source Tenant
  • Create Mail Users in Target Tenant
  • Copy the ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN of the source mailbox.
  • Mapping of the source mailboxes ExchangeGuid and ExchangeLegacyDN in the Target Tenant
  • Testing of the migration server availability
  • Assign License to the mail users created in Target Tenant
  • Create Migration Batch in Target Tenant to perform office 365 tenant migration

The above steps are needed to be performed for the successful migration of the Office 365 Tenant to another Office 365 Tenant. To read these steps in detail visit Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration.

Wrapping up your migration

After all the data has been migrated, it’s important to review the results and clean up any final items. This includes verifying user accounts and permissions, deleting unnecessary content and accounts, and reconfiguring any applications that were impacted by the migration. Once all the clean-up is complete, you can consider the migration complete and move on.


Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migrations is a complex process, but with the right planning and preparation, it can be relatively straightforward. By following the steps in this article, you should be able to ensure a seamless Office 365 Tenant to Tenant Migration.

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