doctor patient communication

How to Improve Patient-Doctor Communication with API Providers?



The pharmaceutical industry has evolved and it is well noted that the trend of online pharmacy goes hand in hand with this evolution. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have been utilized in particular by the healthcare industry, as they are the backbone of technologies such as HealthKit and Apple Health. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a report that potential healthcare apps should use APIs provided by third parties to allow patients to “directly access their electronic health records through applications.”


What is a healthcare communication app?

Healthcare communication apps are mobile apps that help healthcare providers better interact with their patients. They can manage patient records, track medical history and symptoms, send alerts about health events, and more.  There are many different telehealth app available today, each designed for a specific purpose or type of user. Some popular examples include:


          Patient Portal: These healthcare messaging solution allow users to view their entire medical record online in one place. They also provide facilities for managing appointments, sending prescriptions, viewing lab results, etc.


          EMR (Electronic Medical Records): These healthcare app give doctors access to patient data from multiple hospitals or clinics in one location. This is helpful if they work at multiple locations or need to share information between offices smoothly.


          Alerts & Notifications: These apps include a healthcare API that notifies doctors when certain conditions occur (such as high blood pressure levels) or when medications are due for renewal. One such example is HIPAA chat API and sdk.

How do API providers work in communication?

API providers work in communication with their clients to provide the best possible experience. This process can involve creating and/or importing user profiles, setting up secure communications channels, and enforcing compliance regulations. They use several methods including RSS feeds, email, chat, phone calls, and live support sessions. In some cases, API providers may even require their partners to sign up for specific services to get full access to all available functionality.


API providers also help businesses save time and money by streamlining internal processes and reducing the need for IT staff members to search unnecessarily for external resources. As technology evolves, so does how telehealth API providers work in communication with clients. They continue to evolve to not only meet but exceed expectations!

What steps can API providers improve seamless engagements between doctors and patients?

  1. Enhance practice workflows: It is critical to automate and streamline manual workflows so that your practice’s staff and providers can respond quickly and proactively to patients. 


  1. Optimize patient education: Patient education is critical for improving health outcomes and increasing engagement. 


  1. Support for high-risk patients: First, we must identify high-risk patients who may require additional assistance. It is an excellent method for improving doctor-patient communication with high-risk patients. 

Why is it essential to improve patient-Doctor communication?

Effective communication is a key factor in any relationship. The same applies to the provider and patient relationship, as providers contribute to the development of strong relationships by fostering bonds and increasing trust and loyalty. 

  • Improved medication adherence
  • Better lifestyle options
  • Good health outcomes

How Healthcare Communications Apps Successfully Replace Traditional Healthcare Engagements?

In the last decade, healthcare technology has vastly changed the way patients interact with their healthcare providers. Today’s healthcare environment presents the need for a new, more dynamic approach to engagement. 


The key is leveraging social media, mobile technology, and apps for engaging patients, physician clinics, and other healthcare providers. Some things to consider include: 


  • An Electronic Health Record (EHR) that operates on a smartphone or tablet would provide timely access to a patient’s medical profile and current health status information, which can enhance care coordination for the patient. 
  • Expert clinical advice is available at the push of a button through the rapid sharing of images, data, and lab results.
  • The increased usage of mobile devices makes it easier for users to access the healthcare information they want when they want. 

Top 3 Best TeleHealth API Providers

Mirrorfly: Some of Mirrorfly’s key benefits include: 


          Easy-to-use interface: The Mirrorfly API is easy to use, even for beginners. You can access all your data in one place, no matter where you are or what device you’re using.

          Compatible with a variety of devices: Mirrorfly works with both desktop and mobile devices, making it easy to share your data with others.

          Multiple language support: The Mirrorfly API supports multiple languages so you can easily communicate with patients from around the world.

 –         Flexible Deployment: MirrorFly provides both On-Cloud and Self hosted chat solution for developers

Sendbird: Many hospitals already rely on Sendbird’s services to manage their patient data more effectively. Some of its key benefits include:


          Improved patient care: By gathering all patient information in one place, Sendbird helps hospitals improve administrative efficiency and provide better care for their patients.

          Reduced risk exposure: With secure connections between doctors’ offices and SendBird’s cloud servers; there is little chance that sensitive information will leak out into the public domain.


PubNub: It is a global Data Stream Network (DSN) that manages the scaling and delivery of data streams in real-time and is available in SDKs for mobile, IoT, and web applications. 


          Extensible API: PubNub provides an extensible API for real-time and historical analytics, data processing, and notification.

          Latency: PubNub’s network delivers data with sub-millisecond latency, giving developers the ability to build geolocation services and IoT apps that feel instantaneous to users. 

          Reliability: PubNub uses a single, highly resilient DSN that minimizes packet loss across the global infrastructure.



Many patients are looking for ways to improve their doctor-patient communication. By using API providers, hospitals can easily connect with various doctors and patients to facilitate better communication and help improve patient care. By understanding the various ways that API providers can improve patient-doctor communication, hospitals can target the right solutions to meet specific needs. If you’re looking to improve patient-doctor communication in your hospital, be sure to check out our blog for more information.


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