Benefits Of Having Long Articles On Your Website For SEO

Benefits Of Having Long Articles On Your Website For SEO



Benefits Of Having Long Articles On Your Website For SEO. When writing content for your website, there are many things to consider. You have to keep in mind the tone of your audience, their needs, and how long they’ll want to spend on each page. But one factor that often gets overlooked is SEO.

Long articles increase dwell time, which is important for SEO

Longer articles are more likely to be read in full, shared on social media, linked to and commented on. They also tend to get indexed by search engines more quickly. Than shorter pieces of content.

Long articles help you get more conversions.

The benefits of having longer articles on your site are numerous. Longer articles tend to be more thorough, meaning they’re more likely to be read by readers. This can lead to more conversions. Especially if the reader is interested in what you have to say.

Longer articles are also more likely to be shared by readers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn—even if only because it’s easier for readers who don’t have time for a long read (or who need something quick) to share an article with others. When it’s shorter than 1,000 words.

SEO Davao Company experts also recommend using longer pieces because they rank higher in searches for long tail keywords—keywords with multiple words that people use when looking up content-related topics such as “how to do I…” or “what happens if…?”

Long articles are more likely to be shared on social media.

The longer an article is the more opportunities for sharing you give your readers. A few extra minutes of reading and a click or two can be all it takes for someone to share your content with their followers (and maybe even some friends).

While shorter articles are easier to read and digest quickly. They aren’t as likely to get shared online. If your goal is getting people talking about your business or blog post, then longer content will help achieve this goal in a way that short-form articles will not.

Long articles can establish you as an authority.

A long, detailed article is a surefire way to establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

The same principle applies to Google’s ranking algorithm—the more backlinks you have from other websites and the more social shares your content receives, the higher it will rank on SERPs (search engine results pages). This is where long articles come into play: they show that you have the knowledge to write a long article and, therefore, hopefully, build up some solid backlinks for SEO purposes.

Longer articles also demonstrate that you care about your audience’s time and don’t want to waste it on fluff. You’re willing to invest in them by providing them with useful information they can use immediately! And finally—this last point might seem heavy-handed but hear us out—longer articles show potential customers. Or clients that they should hire/work with/hire me because I’m willing to put in all this effort into what I write about here at my site even without getting paid for it!

Long articles will provide you with the opportunity to rank for long-tail keywords.

Long articles that provide more in-depth details about a particular subject.Are also easier to rank for because there is less competition. Long tail keywords are more specific and can have higher conversion rates than broad terms like “SEO” or “online marketing.” This means that your content will be more relevant to your audience and increase the likelihood that they will convert into leads or customers.

By creating pages with long descriptions and detailed information, you’ll be able to target smaller search queries with higher intent. The longer your content gets, the greater it’s chance of being found. By people searching for something very specific in their industry or niche.

Every article should keep the audience in mind. Think about what your audience wants, and then give it to them.

To write a good article, you need to think about your audience.

What do they want? What do they need? Please do your research and find out what their concerns are.

Once you’ve researched, write for the people reading your article. The most important point here is: don’t write for yourself! Suppose you’re writing an article that’s meant for other people and not for yourself. In that case, naturally, it won’t sound like something written. By someone just trying to fill space with filler text to increase page views or ad impressions on their site because those things aren’t important anymore (at least not as much as they once were).

Instead of doing this, focus on what readers want and give it back to them in a way that makes sense

Meaning there shouldn’t necessarily be any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors either; just because there may be something wrong doesn’t mean that everyone else will notice right away.

Unless there’s one glaring problem with one specific sentence or paragraph which would make sense if fixed immediately before sending off this particular piece of work into cyberspace where others could read it later today or tomorrow depending upon when they actually visit my website during business hours which usually fall between 9am-5pm but sometimes go later depending upon how busy we get here at headquarters.

So please keep checking back regularly throughout each day until someone gets back from lunch break around noon tomorrow morning when we’ll probably start working again after lunchtime break ends late afternoon today since every hour counts during times like these when everyone’s looking up information about how many days until Christmas Day arrives which falls next year sometime around January 2020 according.


The bottom line is that every article should be optimized for the reader. That means creating as much value as possible and making it easy for people to find what they want. It also means that you should keep your content long enough so that readers can get through it without being distracted. By other things on their screens, like ads or social media feeds.

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